Linux命令trap - 在脚本中处理信号 例子

news/2024/5/18 21:51:07 标签: 脚本, linux, command, signal, shell, each


trap command signal





Ctrl + C


Ctrl + \



trap 'rm -f /tmp/my_tmp_file_$$' INT

echo "creating file /tmp/my_tmp_file_$$"

date > /tmp/my_tmp_file_$$

echo "press interrupt (CTRL-C) to interrupt ......"

while [ -f /tmp/my_tmp_file_$$ ]; do

       echo "File exists"

       sleep 3


echo" we never get here"

exit 0


    trap [-lp] [[arg] sigspec ...]


格式:trap "commands" signals

shell接收到signals指定的信号时,执行commands命令。(The  command arg is to be read and executed when the shell receives signal(s) sigspec. )


格式:trap signals

如果没有指定命令部分,那么就将信号处理复原。比如 trap INT 就表明恢复Ctrl+C退出。(If arg is absent (and there is a single sigspec) or -, each specified signal is reset to its  original  disposition  (the value  it  had  upon  entrance  to  the  shell). )


格式:trap "" signals

忽略信号signals,可以多个,比如 trap "" INT 表明忽略SIGINT信号,按Ctrl+C也不能使脚本退出。又如 trap "" HUP 表明忽略SIGHUP信号,即网络断开时也不能使脚本退出。(If arg is the null string the signal specified by each sigspec is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. )


格式:trap -p

格式:trap -p signal

把当前的trap设置打印出来。(If arg is not present and -p  has  been supplied,  then  the trap commands associated with each sigspec are displayed.  If no arguments are supplied or if only -p is given, trap prints the list of commands associated  with  each  signal.)


格式:trap -l

把所有信号打印出来。(The  -l option  causes  the shell to print a list of signal names and their corresponding numbers.  Each sigspec is either a signal name defined in <signal.h>, or a signal number.  Signal names  are  case  insensitive and  the  SIG prefix is optional.) 


格式:trap "commands" EXIT

脚本退出时执行commands指定的命令。(If a sigspec is EXIT (0) the command arg is executed on exit from the shell.)


格式:trap "commands" DEBUG

脚本执行时打印调试信息,比如打印将要执行的命令及参数列表。(If a sigspec is DEBUG, the command arg is executed before every  simple  command,  for  command, case  command,  select command, every arithmetic for command, and before the first command executes in a shell function (see SHELL GRAMMAR above).  Refer to the description of the extdebug option to the  shopt builtin  for  details of its effect on the DEBUG trap.)


格式:trap "commands" ERR

当命令出错,退出码非0,执行commands指定的命令。(If a sigspec is ERR, the command arg is executed whenever a simple command has a non-zero exit status, subject to the following conditions.  The ERR trap is not executed if the failed command is part of the command list immediately following a while or until keyword, part of the test in an if statement, part of a && or ┅Ι│ list, or if the command’s return  value is  being  inverted via !.  These are the same conditions obeyed by the errexit option.)


格式:trap "commands" RETURN

当从shell函数返回、或者使用source命令执行另一个脚本文件时,执行commands指定的命令。(If a sigspec is RETURN, the command arg is executed each time a shell function or a script executed with the . or source    builtins  finishes  executing.   Signals  ignored  upon  entry  to the shell cannot be trapped or reset. Trapped signals that are not being ignored are reset to their original values in a child process when it is created.  The return status is false if any sigspec is invalid; otherwise trap returns true.)


用shc加密shell脚本 - linux进阶屋 - 51CTO技术博客


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